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(Can I Do Qurbani For My Dead Parents )Dhul Hijjah, Muslims all over the world take part in an important holy event called Qurbani. As a way to serve Allah and show respect for him. It involves sacrificing an animal, usually a sheep, goat, cow, or camel. 

There are certain rules to follow for a Qurbani to be accepted by Allah. Many Muslims hold many questions and confusion. Among them, Qurbani for your beloved deceased parents is one of them. If you are wondering, “Can I do Qurbani for my dead parents?” Then you’ll get an answer from this blog. In this post, we’ll look at this question in depth.

The Power of the Qurbani 

Qurbani’s power comes from the fact that it can reach beyond the real world and into the depths of the soul. It is a holy act that echoes the lessons of Prophet Ibrahim, who was the perfect example of submitting to Allah’s will without question. Muslims get to the heart of devotion and obedience by imitating their strong faith.

Qurbani on behalf of dead is permissible in Islam. But it depends on your Niyyah (intention). Let’s discuss them in detail.

Performing Qurbani on Behalf of Deceased

It is permissible to do the Qurbani for someone else, even if they are not alive, such as our parents. 

Offering a Qurbani in the name of dead persons is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah or ongoing charity. But one should follow the correct conditions and rules for it. It is advantageous to –

  • The one making the sacrifice, 
  • The deceased in whose honor it is made, and 
  • The living who receives the meat as a gift.

Conditions for Doing Qurbani for Deceased

With specific limitations, norms, and conditions, it is acceptable to perform Qurbani for someone who has passed away. Requirements for performing Qurbani for the deceased are –

  1. The Qurbani is not simply carried out in memory of the deceased. You can perform Qurbani for the departed by adding it to your own Qurbani giving for your family and yourself.
  2. If a dying person says in their will that someone should perform a Qurbani on their behalf, his/her children who can do it must do it.
  3. It is okay to do For departed parents, qurbani who have died. Though some teachers think that you can’t do this without also making your own sacrifice.

Qurbani for Deceased Parents

So there is an answer to your question, “Can I do Qurbani for my dead parents?”

It is okay to give Qurbani for deceased parents. You can easily perform Qurbani for your parents or any family member that have passed away. But you should do it while performing Qurbani for yourself.

You can also donate the Qurbani money that you were going to spend for your deceased parents. Non-profit organizations like UMR work with Qurbani donations and help the poor celebrate Eid-Al-Adha.

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What Is Qurbani In Islam Wed, 21 Jun 2023 06:03:22 +0000 What is Qurbani in Islam? The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT said,  “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS). For every hair of the Qurbani, you receive a …

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What is Qurbani in Islam? The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah SWT said, 

“It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS). For every hair of the Qurbani, you receive a reward from Allah (SWT).” (Tirmidhi)

Qurbani, often referred to as Udhiyah, is the act of offering an animal as a sacrifice to Allah (SWT). Every year, on the days of Eid ul-Adha, the 10th, 11th, and 12th of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims around the world conduct the rite of Qurbani to mark the end of Hajj and remember the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Although Qurbani may appear to be just the process of butchering an animal and sharing its meat, it is more than that. The Arabic term ‘Qurb,’ which indicates proximity, is the source of the word ‘Qurbani. As a result, Qurbani meaning is to become more intimate with Allah (SWT) while remaining utterly submissive to the Almighty and His will.

What Time Is Qurbani 2023?

Eid ul-Adha is anticipated to start on Thursday, June 29, 2023, and terminate at dusk on Saturday, July 1, 2023. The dates are dependent on the moon’s sighting and can change based on where you are. Muslims should perform the Qurbani between the 10th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah. They celebrate Eid-al-Adha during this time all over the world.

Eligibility for Qurbani

All adult Muslims who are financially secure, of sound mind, and mature are qualified to do Qurbani. A person should have financial stability or have money equal to Nisab to give zakat. Nisab is 612.3 grams of silver and 87.48 grams of gold. This is the same for Qurbani’s eligibility. 

The Hanbali and Maliki schools of thought say that the person in charge of providing for the household has the authority to conduct Qurbani on behalf of the entire family.

“Yahya related to me from Malik from Umara ibn Yasar that Ata ibn Yasar told him that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari had told him, “We used to sacrifice one sheep, and a man sacrificed for himself and his family.” (Tirmidhi)

What Are the Qurbani Laws?

Quran says about Qurbani several times. One of them was about sacrificing animals. It says,

“And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter.”(2:196)

There are some particular laws that must be maintained for Qurbani in Islam. The laws are:

1) The Eid ul Adha sacrifice must be performed between the 10th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah.

2) The meat for the Qurbani must be divided into three equal portions: 

  • One for the home, 
  • One for relatives and friends, and 
  • One for the less fortunate.

3) The livestock species that are acceptable for Qurbani are:

  • Camel
  • Buffalo, 
  • Bulls, 
  • Cows, 
  • Sheep, and
  • Goats

The Importance of Qurbani for Muslims

For Muslims, all throughout the world, Qurbani—also known as Eid al-Adha or the Festival of Sacrifice—is of utmost significance. It is one of the most important religious celebrations in Islam. It honors Prophet Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) readiness to offer his son Ismail (Ishmael) as a sacrifice in response to Allah (SWT)’s instruction. There are several ways to understand the significance of Qurbani:

Surrender and Obedience

Qurbani represents surrender and obedience to Allah (SWT)’s instructions. We demonstrate our willingness to follow and submit to Allah (SWT)’s will in our own lives by offering an animal as a sacrifice.

Spiritual Purification

Qurbani is a form of prayer that brings a person closer to Allah and cleans their soul at the same time. People see it as a way to get closer to God and ask him to forgive their mistakes.

Charity & Generosity

Qurbani places a strong emphasis on the value of giving and cooperating. The animal’s meat is divided into three portions after the sacrifice has been made. One of the portions is for the unfortunate and people in need. The sharing of meat among the community, even the less fortunate, promotes care, compassion, and social solidarity.

Unity and Global Brotherhood

Qurbani is observed by Muslims everywhere, regardless of their diversity in racial or cultural background or location. Through this act of sacrifice, Muslims as a whole are brought together. It highlights the bond of brothers and sisterhood that exists among believers. It acts as a reminder of the similar principles and goals that unite Muslims. Qurbani is of utmost importance to Muslims. It includes aspects of spirituality, community, giving, and religion. By carrying out this deed, Muslims hope to improve their relationship with Allah (SWT), demonstrate charity, and defend the principles and customs of their religion.


We started with a question which is what is Qurbani in Islam? And this blog answered this question in detail. 

Qurbani in Islam is a profound act of devotion and sacrifice that holds deep spiritual significance. It symbolizes Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering faith and submission to Allah’s will. Through the offering of an animal, Muslims demonstrate their commitment to selflessness, gratitude, and compassion towards Allah (SWT). 

Qurbani serves as a reminder of the importance of giving, sharing, and caring for those in need. If you want to foster a sense of unity and empathy within the community, then you can donate for Qurbani for needy people.

Ultimately, this sacred tradition invites believers to reflect on their own sacrifices and strive for spiritual growth while exemplifying the timeless values of love, generosity, and devotion in the pursuit of a closer relationship with Allah.

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Can We Give Money Instead of Qurbani Sun, 18 Jun 2023 05:23:55 +0000 In Islamic tradition, Qurbani, also known as Eid al-Adha, is of utmost importance. It honors the account of Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to offer his son as a sacrifice to God. …

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In Islamic tradition, Qurbani, also known as Eid al-Adha, is of utmost importance. It honors the account of Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to offer his son as a sacrifice to God. Muslims throughout the world carry out the Qurbani rite on this holy day by slaughtering an animal and giving the flesh to the poor.

There is a common question can we give money instead of Qurbani? This blog looks at the different points of view on this topic as well as the spiritual and practical problems that come up when deciding to do monetary Qurbani.

Understanding the Essence of Qurbani 

Qurbani celebrates the life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), who had unwavering faith and did what Allah told him to do. Allah told the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his beloved son Ismail (AS). Prophet Ibrahim (AS) loved his son very much, but he was also very willing to go along with Allah’s order and make the sacrifice. Allah was touched by his faith, so He swapped Ismail (AS) with a ram and saved his life.

This act of sacrifice showed how much Prophet Ibrahim (AS) trusted Allah. This story gives Muslims a great example to follow. It means being willing to let go of ties in order to please.

Qurbani is based on the ideas of gratitude, kindness, and compassion. Muslims sacrifice an animal on this holy day to thank Allah. It reminds us to be kind to others and help those who need it. 

The Permissibility of Monetary Qurbani

Monetary Qurbani means giving money instead of sacrificing an animal. Is it permissible in Islam?

The answer is No. You can not donate money instead of Qurbani. Because it is not a charity. The act of slaughtering animals in the name of Allah during Eid-ul-Adha is obligatory for able-bodied Muslims. According to Muslim academics, the Qurbani is both an emphasized prophetic practice and a requirement. The act of animal sacrifice cannot be replaced by any other action. It is a religious duty that must be fulfilled in kind rather than only by giving money. Allah says in Quran,

“So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice [animals] to Him alone.” – Qur’an 108:2

The proper way to perform Qurbani is to either sacrifice the suitable animal oneself, or designate a friend, family member, or reliable organization to do it for you on the days of  Eid-Ul-Adha. 

The Importance of Intention and Spiritual Connection 

The importance of intention and spiritual connection in Qurbani can not be ignored. Although the act of offering an animal has significance, what matters most are the motive and inner dedication. The goal should be to seek Allah’s delight and be based on honest obedience to Him. 

In order to fully comprehend the significance of the sacrifice and to cultivate feelings of appreciation, submission, and compassion, it is essential to have a strong spiritual connection. Qurbani’s spiritual worth is increased when performed with honest intentions and a desire to follow Islamic principles.

Giving Prophetic Qurbani

Few people are aware that the Prophet (saw) offered Qurbani on behalf of himself and another sacrifice on behalf of those members of his Ummah who were unable to do so on the day of Eid al-Adha. We refer to this additional offering as the Prophetic Qurbani. You can not give money to the poor instead of Qurbani.

It is recommended for those who can do so to adhere to the Sunnah and offer both their own sacrifice and the Prophetic Qurbani. Every year, Muhammad (saw) used to offer the sacrifice of two animals, one for himself and his family and the other for his Ummah.

If Any Muslim wants along with his own Qurbani, he/she can donate extra money to organizations that distribute Qurbani meat to the poor.  The Qurbani cost varies from time to time. You have to first detect the market price for animals of the current year and then make a donation according to it. That’s how one can give money but not instead of Qurbani. You can give money along with your Qurbani.

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Qurbani Rules for Husband and Wife Sat, 17 Jun 2023 10:42:34 +0000 Qurbani is a valued act of devotion and is required for every sane adult Muslim who has wealth in excess of their requirements. For the animal to be considered a …

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Qurbani is a valued act of devotion and is required for every sane adult Muslim who has wealth in excess of their requirements. For the animal to be considered a Qurbani, however, a number of requirements and restrictions must be followed. 

Qurbanis must be conducted within three or four days of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. Animals used for Qurbani must be in good health, free from sickness, and slaughtered under specific guidelines. 

Also, there are some Qurbani rules for family especially husband and wife. We will explore them in this blog.

General Requirements for Qurbani

Qurbani is an important religious practice for those who are financially capable. The following are general guidelines for Qurbani that apply to any Muslims:

Intention: Qurbani should only be performed with the goal of pleasing Allah. And also fulfilling a religious obligation.

Financial Capability: Both spouses must have enough money to do Qurbani. Financial capacity standards vary by location and custom.

Eligible Animals: The most common animals used for Qurbani are cattle (such as cows or bulls), sheep, and goats. These animals must meet certain age and health criteria. 

Time of Sacrifice: Qurbani is performed after the Eid prayer on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah. It is preferable to perform the sacrifice as early as possible during these days.

Distribution of Meat: The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three equal parts –

  • One for the person performing the sacrifice,
  • One for family and friends, and 
  • One for the less fortunate and needy. 

The Qurbani husband and wife wish to do should follow these requirements. Also consult with an expert Islamic scholar for more accuracy.

What Are The Qurbani Rules For a Husband and Wife? 

If a husband and wife are sane Muslims with wealth that exceeds their Nisab, they should do at least one Qurbani each.  Nisab is the least amount that a Muslim must have for paying Zakat. It is same for Qurbani. The Nisab level at this time is 612.36 grams of silver or 87.48 grams of gold. 

If the wife has her own money, the husband does not have to pay a share for Qurbani on her behalf. Although he is free to do so if he so chooses. 

Only when the animal is large enough for them to each donate their obligatory share, may a husband and wife perform a combined qurbani.


If the husband and wife Qurbani’s intentions are solid, they can choose to perform separate sacrifices individually or jointly. The intention and fulfillment of the obligation remain the same. Qurbani rules for husband and wife is not that different.

Still, it is advisable to consult knowledgeable scholars or local Islamic authorities for guidance specific to your situation and to ensure that all the requirements and recommendations are being met for Qurbani. 

Qurbani serves as a reminder of the importance of giving, sharing, and caring for those in need. If you want to foster a sense of unity and empathy within the community, then you can donate for Qurbani for needy people.

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Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules Mon, 15 May 2023 07:08:36 +0000 In honor of the ultimate sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make on Mount Arafat, Muslims perform Qurbani. It is carried out annually during the Eid al-Adha festival.  …

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Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules

Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules

In honor of the ultimate sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make on Mount Arafat, Muslims perform Qurbani. It is carried out annually during the Eid al-Adha festival.  The Prophet (SAW) said, 

“It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (as). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (SWT).” – Tirmidhi

It involves the sacrifice of an animal like – a goat, sheep, cow, or camel. The meat is then distributed. There are certain rules regarding the Qurbani meat distribution. It is also an essential part of the festival. We will know the details in this blog about Qurbani meat distribution rules.

The Meaning of Qurbani Meat

Qurbani meat is the meat of the animal sacrificed and given out during Eid ul Adha. It includes various kinds of Eid ul Adha sacrifice rules. The distribution of Qurbani meat is restricted by a specific set of laws that must be followed once the animal has been sacrificed. 

There are not many rules of Qurbani mentioned in the Quran. But Prophet (SAW) has guided us in many ways regarding this. These guidelines included what kind of animals is suitable for Qurbani and how should the meat be distributed. And these guidelines should be strictly followed. 

Rules of Qurbani Meat Distribution 

There are certain Qurbani rules to follow when distributing Qurbani meat. Such as:

  1. All of the qualified receivers shall receive the meat equally and fairly, without any bias or discrimination.
  2. The meat should be fresh. It should be distributed as soon as possible after the sacrifice is made.
  3. If you store the meat to deliver somewhere distant, then handle them with proper care. To avoid spoiling, meat should be maintained at a reasonable temperature.
  4. According to Islamic principles, only those who qualify shall receive the meat.
  5. It is important to distribute the meat in a way that respects the recipients’ privacy and dignity.
Rules of Qurbani Meat Distribution

People slaughter many kinds of animals in Qurbani. Camel Qurbani, cow sacrifice, goat and sheep Qurbani are some of the most used animals in Eid al Adha. They should be sacrificed and distributed according to Islamic laws.

How Many Portions Should Be Divided

The most important Eid al Adha sacrifice rules of Qurbani meat distribution is that it must be divided into three equal portions. One-third for the Qurbani performer, one-third for your family and friends and one-third for the poor. Above all, you can donate your Qurbani meat to any people regardless of their religion. Allah (SWT) has ordered us to spread happiness and joy through Qurbani. More about the three portions is below:

  • One portion is for the Qurbani performer

During the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, a traditional animal sacrifice is done. The person who offers this is called the Qurbani performer. This person must keep one-third of the meat for themselves. This part can be eaten by the person who gets it, given as a gift to friends and family, or given to people who need it. It’s completely up to the performer’s choice.

  • One more for their family and friends

One-third of the Qurbani animal’s meat must be given to the Qurbani performer’s family and friends. It is a way of sharing the blessings of the sacrifice with loved ones. The meat can be cooked and shared with family and friends, or it can be given to them to do as they please.

  • Last for those who are poor and needy

The poor and needy must get the last third of the meat from the Qurbani animal. This is the most important rules of Qurbani mentioned in the Quran. Its goal is to make sure that the less fortunate people in the community also benefit from the festival. The meat is given to poor people as cooked meals or as raw meat so they can cook it themselves. In some cases, the meat is given to charities, which then give it to people who are in need.

How many shares are there in each animal?

Each kind of animal gets a different amount of shares. For goats and sheep, the whole animal must be purchased in order to offer it as Qurbani. Because each one has one share. A camel, bull, horse, or cow has seven shares. This means seven Muslims can each pay for the cost of this type of animal.

Many Muslims today choose to give their Qurbani to help people in need all over the world. This lets the Qurbani meat get to the place where it will do the most good.


Yes, non-Muslims can receive Qurbani meat. They can be your friend, neighbor or a needy person.

The Qurbani meat distribution rules should be maintained carefully. If you don’t, your Qurbani might not be accepted. Qurbani teaches Muslims the value of maintaining our religion and improving our ties to Allah (SWT). 

You can actively pursue your quest for rewards and blessings from the Creator by following in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and offering Qurbani.

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Who Is Eligible For Qurbani? Sun, 14 May 2023 10:38:30 +0000 Eid al-Adha, or Qurbani, is a global Islamic holiday. It is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. Muslims worldwide sacrifice cows, goats, and lambs during this festival. They show …

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Who Is Eligible For Qurbani

Who Is Eligible For Qurbani?

Eid al-Adha, or Qurbani, is a global Islamic holiday. It is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. Muslims worldwide sacrifice cows, goats, and lambs during this festival. They show their trust in Allah SWT by offering this sacrifice.

Islam places a high value on sacrifice as a form of worship. There is no denying that Qurbani is a crucial component of Eid-ul-Azha. But Who Is Eligible For Qurbani among all those Muslims? This blog discusses Qurbani eligibility for Muslims.

Eligibility For Qurbani


There are some Qurbani requirements. Eligibility is one of them. Muslims who can afford it must perform Qurbani. It is open to anybody who can afford a sacrificed animal. The following are the eligibility criteria for Qurbani:

  1. A Muslim who is sane and has reached the age of puberty.
  2. The person must be financially capable. They have enough wealth to perform Qurbani after fulfilling their basic needs and paying off their debts.
  3. The person must be in possession of the nisab amount of wealth. Nisab is a certain minimum amount of wealth that is required for donating Zakat. It is determined by the current value of silver.

Qurbani is not Farz but it is Sunnah mu’akkadah. This means Prophet Muhammad (SAW) highly recommended this for all able-bodied Muslims. Except for some exceptions, Muslims should not miss this significant sacrifice. It brings an immense amount of blessing from Allah (SWT).

Eligibility For Qurbani

Exceptions for Qurbani Eligibility

In the context of the Qurbani, there are also several important exceptions. The list of exception people for Eid ul Adha Qurbani are:

  • Low-income families
  • Women-led families
  • Disabled/elderly families
  • Children under fives
  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Families who can’t visit the market

You should offer Qurbani if you are eligible to pay Zakat. To eliminate any confusion, you should visit your local imam. He can assist you if you have any questions or concerns about your ability for Qurbani. 

When Qurbani Should Perform?

The time for offering Qurbani begins at sunrise following the Eid-ul-Adha prayers. It is held on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah and ends at sunset on the 12th. The act of Qurbani should be carried out as soon as the Eid-ul-Adha prayers are finished.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said,

"We perform the prayers first on the day of Eid." After that, we perform our Qurbani at home. Whoever performs those deeds has thereby complied with our sunnah. And for those who were killed before it, the meat was consumed for the family and not as a Qurbani ritual.” - Sahih Al-Bukhari

Criteria For Animals

Qurbani involves sacrificing a specified age and size animal to feed the poor. The sort of animal slaughtered determines its age and size. A sheep or goat must be at least one year old, while a cow or bull must be two. Animals should be healthy and sacrificed humanely.

Criteria For Animals

So, who is eligible for Qurbani? Simply, Muslims who are eligible for Zakat are also eligible for Qurbani.

Qurbani is a religious duty for the financially able. It is not Farz but suggested for those who can afford it. The animal sacrificed should be humane and of Islamic age and size. Qurbani is a sign of trust and devotion to Allah (SWT). It should be done with reverence.

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Is Qurbani Farz? Sun, 14 May 2023 08:39:00 +0000 Qurbani/Udhiya is performed on Eid al-Adha to remember Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice, which is referenced in the Qur’an. It is a ceremony for Muslims where they sacrifice an animal during the …

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Is Qurbani Farz

Is Qurbani Farz?

Qurbani/Udhiya is performed on Eid al-Adha to remember Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice, which is referenced in the Qur’an. It is a ceremony for Muslims where they sacrifice an animal during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah. Allah says,

"Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)." - Al-Kawthar 108:2

Qurbani is a highly significant and widely practiced religious observance among Muslims all over the world. The question is Qurbani farz (obligatory) or not is an important one and requires some explanation.

What is Qurbani?

Qurbani is the sacred slaying of a goat, sheep, cow, or camel in Islam’s twelfth and final month, Dhul Hijjah. It is performed to honor how the Prophet Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail in Allah’s command.

Financially able Muslims must perform Qurbani. It can be done by non-Hajj pilgrims on the 10th, 11th, or 12th day of Dhul Hijjah. The butchered animal’s meat is divided into three parts: one for the family, one for friends and relatives, and one for the needy.

Qurbani is a way to worship Allah and ask for his forgiveness and blessings. Muslims can also give to the needy and foster a communal spirit.

Is Qurbani Farz (Required)

Many scholars debate on is Qurbani farz or sunnah? Is Qurbani mandatory or not? As every year Muslims around the world perform Qurbani in Eid-ul-Adha, many assume Qurbani fard. But it is not. It is a highly encouraged Sunnah. The Prophet (SAW) declared, 

"On this day of ours, we will first offer the (Eid) prayer before going back to do the sacrifice. Whoever performs this does it in accordance with our Sunnah.” - Bukhari

About Qurbani being farz or not, has more than one answer. Most Islamic scholars say that Qurbani is not farz, but rather a sunnah mu’akkadah. It is a highly recommended act that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his followers did often. 

On the other hand, the Hanafi school of thinking holds that Qurbani is wajib and obligatory. While wajib deeds are still highly essential and, in the Hanafi school of thought, are regarded as responsibilities upon Muslims (i.e., one should not purposefully miss them), farz actions are mandatory based on unambiguous proof. 

No matter what school of thought you subscribe to, performing the Qurbani is extremely rewarding because the Prophet (saw) himself did it and exhorted his followers to follow suit. Even though Qurbani is not farz, it is strongly promoted and has many spiritual benefits.

Despite this disagreement, the vast majority of Muslims consider qurbani to be a highly important and rewarding practice. It is performed by millions of Muslims around the world each year. The purpose of Qurbani is to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to sacrifice his son Ismail (peace be upon him) as an act of obedience to Allah and to express our gratitude and submission to Allah by sacrificing an animal in his name.

In conclusion, while there is some debate among scholars regarding the status of Qurbani as farz or sunnah, it is widely considered to be a highly effective and recommended practice among Muslims and is an important aspect of the Islamic faith and tradition.


Who Should Offer Qurbani?


The Hanafi school says that any Muslim who has the Nisab value and is an adult and stable must give a Qurbani. So, if you are allowed to pay Zakat, you must make a Qurbani.

Maliki and Hanbali both say that the person in charge of a home can do the Qurbani for them.

It is not unusual for two or more people who pay Zakat to live in the same home today. The best thing to do is for everyone who pays Zakat to bring their own Qurbani.

So, Qurbani is not obligatory for all Muslims. It depends on their wealth. If they are wealthy enough to give Zakat, then they should offer Qurbani every year on Eid-Ul-Adah.

Who Should Offer Qurbani

Significance of Qurbani

Every ablebodied Muslims should perform Qurbani on Eid-ul-Adha. The act of Qurbani is done to remember how Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail (AS) to do what Allah told him to do. But Allah replaced Ismail with a ram, so the offering of the animal shows that Prophet Ibrahim did what Allah told him to do. Qurbani is seen as a religious duty for Muslims who have enough money to pay for it. 

The meat of the slaughtered animal is split into three parts. One part is kept for the family, one part is given to friends and family, and the last part is given to people who are poor and in need. This act of kindness and giving is a big part of Qurbani, and it helps build community spirit and unity.

Qurbani is seen as a way to show Allah that you love and obey him and to ask for his forgiveness and rewards. It also gives Muslims a chance to share their good fortune with those who have less and to work for social justice and equality. Qurbani is a way for Muslims to remember how important suffering, faith, and submission to Allah’s will are. It also brings Muslims closer together.

Perform Qurbani


By practising Qurbani, you can fulfil your commitment as a Muslim and demonstrate your loyalty to Allah (SWT). Though there is different opinions in scholar regarding the question is Qurbani farz or not. But every scholars have agreed that it brings a lot of blessings of Allah. They encouraged Muslims to perform Qurbani if they are eligible. If you do not perform Qurbani willingly, you sure are missing a lot of rewards from Allah (SWA). 

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: 

"Whoever can afford it but does not offer a sacrifice, let him not come near our prayer place." 

- Hasan/Sound. - [Ibn Maajah]

Muslims demonstrate their unity through Qurbani. They also provide charity to people in need. Along with providing mercy to their brothers and sisters who are going through difficult circumstances, they also learn patience and become conscious of the mercy Allah (SWT) decides to bestow.

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What Is the Difference Between Sadaqah And Zakat Sun, 14 May 2023 06:11:23 +0000 Islam recognizes two main categories of almsgiving: Zakat and Sadaqah. All Muslims are familiar with these two charities. But many can’t identify the difference between them. To abide by the …

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What Is the Difference Between Sadaqah And Zakat

What Is the Difference Between Sadaqah And Zakat

Islam recognizes two main categories of almsgiving: Zakat and Sadaqah. All Muslims are familiar with these two charities. But many can’t identify the difference between them. To abide by the rules of Islamic laws, one should be aware of how to distinguish between them.

Many sometimes get confused about Zakat and Sadaqah. During Ramadan, the amount we donate does it consider Zakat or Sadaqah. Can we only pay money for Zakat and Sadaqah? What type of charity is considerable as Zakat and Sadaqah? These are some very common questions in Muslims.

You will know about the answer to these questions in this blog. Let’s explore what is the difference between Sadaqah and Zakat. We will learn about Sadaqa vs Zakat in this blog.

Importance of Charity in Islam

Muslims put their faith in Allah (SWT) by helping people less fortunate than themselves.

Both the Qur’an and the Hadith have instructions on how to generously give to charity. We have the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to look up to as our ultimate role model. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a well-known hadith:

“Whoever has food on his table while his neighbor goes hungry cannot claim to be a believer.” 

– (Al-Albani)

Over 1400 years ago, Allah (SWT) instructed His beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to explain the many forms of charity. In Islam, Zakat and Sadaqah are the two main forms of charitable giving.

What is Zakat?

One of the five pillars of Islam and the foundation of the Islamic faith is Zakat. Every eligible Muslim has to donate 2.5% of their excess wealth as zakat to those in need. Allah (SWT) says in Quran,

“Establish Prayer and dispense Zakah….” - Surah Al-Baqarah

When it comes to paying Zakat, there are some eligibility requirements.

What is Zakat

What is Sadaqah?

In the eyes of Allah (SWT), sadaqah is a type of voluntary charity and is a very rewarding activity. Since it isn’t obligatory for Muslims, it is a powerful symbol of their devotion to Allah (SWT). It also shows their desire to do good by serving others. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, 

“Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” - Tirmidhi

Sadaqah in Islam is a wonderful type of charity because it is not restricted to money offerings. Any good act towards others is considered Sadaqah.

Differences Between Zakat And Sadaqah

Zakat and Sadaqah differ significantly from one another. Zakat is a must while Sadaqah is not. They are both significant aspects of the Islamic faith though. We’ve compiled a list of the differences between Zakat and Sadaqah to make things simpler:

  • Obligation

Zakat is a mandatory payment, whereas Sadaqah is voluntary.

  • Amount

Zakat is a fixed percentage (usually 2.5%) of a person’s wealth or income. Bit Sadaqah has no set amount or percentage.

  • Recipients

Zakat is primarily meant for specific categories of people, including the poor, the needy, and those in debt. Only Muslims can receive Zakat. But Muslims can give Sadaqah to anyone in need, including non-Muslims.

  • Timeframe

Zakat must be paid once a year, whereas Sadaqah can be given at any time.

  • Purpose

The purpose of Zakat is to purify wealth and support those in need. The purpose of Sadaqah is to earn rewards and show kindness to others.

  • Accountability

Zakat is a right of the poor, and it is obligatory for Muslims to pay. Sadaqah is a voluntary act, and there is no obligation to give it.

  • Types

Zakat and Zakat al-fitr or Fitrana are the two types of Zakat. Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariya are the two main types of Sadaqah.

  • Calculation

The calculation of Zakat is based on a person’s wealth or income. There is no set calculation for Sadaqah.

  • Eligibility

To give Zakat, one has to earn eligibility. In the case of Sadaqah, anyone including the poor can give it.

  • Priority

Zakat is a priority obligation. It should be paid before other forms of voluntary charity such as Sadaqah.

Common factors of Zakat and Sadaqah

Muslims have always been among the world’s most giving people. 

According to the Conversation, “In 2020, US Muslims gave to charity at a higher rate than other Americans. The percentage of Muslims in America is only 1.1%. They earn less on average than non-Muslims. However, their contributions accounted for 1.4% of all personal donations.”

That is an astounding statistic. It makes sense given how much attention and value Islam places on charitable giving. Islam recognizes a variety of charitable acts. Some of the acts are obligatory and some are voluntary. But both have the potential to alter the course of events and win Allah’s (SWT) blessing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Sadaqah in Ramadan is highly encouraged and the reward is also immense.

Yes. After donating the Zakat amount from your wealth, the rest of the donation can be counted as Sadaqah.

Payment of zakat is not always required in cash. Distributing zakat is permitted as long as the price equals the zakat amount.

Any good deeds of yours toward others are considered Sadaqah in Islam.

Sadaqah and Zakat are both important in Islam. They significantly contribute to the establishment of Islam in people’s lives on both an individual and a communal level. They provide resources to lessen or eliminate problems for poor and needy people. 

As Muslims, we should pay our Zakat accordingly. Also, we should give Sadaqah as much as possible. Because they are the best to please Allah (SWT).

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How Much is Fidya for not Fasting Wed, 10 May 2023 11:24:02 +0000 If a person is unable to fast during Ramadan due to a chronic illness or permanent medical condition, they are exempt from fasting, and they do not need to pay …

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How Much is Fidya for not Fasting

How Much is Fidya for not Fasting

If a person is unable to fast during Ramadan due to a chronic illness or permanent medical condition, they are exempt from fasting, and they do not need to pay fidya. Instead, they can perform an expiatory act known as “fidyat al-siyam,” which involves feeding one poor person for each missed day of fasting. 


You will have to make a charitable repayment if you choose not to fast during any of the Ramadan days. For fasts missed out of hardship that cannot be made up later, you must pay fidya (fidyah). So, how much is Fidya for not fasting? 

What is Fidya?


Fidya is an Islamic term referring to the compensation that a person who is unable to fast during the month of Ramadan can pay. According to Islamic law, you are required to utilize your fidya to give people in need two meals for each missed fast. 

Who is Eligible?

People who are qualified to pay Fidya are:

  1. Women who are pregnant but unable to fast
  2. Chronically unwell individuals, including those with mental diseases
  3. People who become ill temporarily during the month of Ramadan
  4. Individuals who must continue taking their medication
  5. Seniors who are unable to fast due to age
Eligibility for receiving fidya
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How to Calculate Fidya?

There is a fixed fidya amount for a person to pay if they don’t fast during Ramadan. It is based on how much one Sa’a of wheat or its equivalent costs in the area where they live.

The current market value of one Sa’a of wheat varies from country to country. Therefore, the exact amount of fidya for not fasting during Ramadan will depend on the country in which the person lives. 

To elaborate further, the amount of fidya for not fasting during Ramadan is determined by the value of one Sa’a of the staple food item in the local market. It is typically wheat, barley, dates, or raisins. The Sa’a is an ancient Arabic measure that is roughly equivalent to approximately 3 liters or 1.6 kg of the staple food item.

As it is too complicated, there is a simple way. The amount of fidya for not fasting during Ramadan is equal to feeding one poor person two meals a day for each day missed. Therefore, the amount of fidya for not fasting during the entire month of Ramadan would be equivalent to feeding 60 poor people two meals a day.

How much is Fidya for Ramadan?

The fidya amount is calculated by multiplying the value of one Sa’a of the staple food item by the number of missed days of fasting. The resulting amount is then given to the poor and needy as charity.

It changes every year during Ramadan as the market price rise. In 2023, each missed fast costs $17 fidya. This should be enough to feed two individuals or one person and two meals. This is the fidya calculation that ANIC has set for 2023.

Importance of Fidya

To make up for missed fasts of Ramadan is an order from Allah. Fidyah for missed fast has the potential to be a big blessing for both you and those who are in need. You can make a great impact by donating Fidya. Your contributions help vulnerable families living in poverty around the world by providing them with food.

There is another term called Kaffarah for breaking fast. This is not the same as Fidya. There is no such thing as Kaffara for breaking fast due to illness. If you break your fast due to illness, it’s called Fidya. Kaffarah is for those who break fast deliberately. 

Fidya and Kaffarah are important terms in Islam. Fidya and kaffarah offer remedies that can make up for failing to fast, with or without a good reason. These also help out the less fortunate members of the community.

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Fidya is an obligatory fine in Islam for missed fasts. So, how much is Fidya for not fasting? Fidya for Ramadan missed fasts is not a fixed amount. There is a measurement mentioned in the holy books of Islam. Every year scholars determined it based on this measurement. Mainly the amount should be enough to feed a person two meals for each missed fast.

In today’s world, many chose to donate the amount to various organizations. These non-profit Islamic organizations distribute the amount to needy persons around the world.

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What Is Sadaqah Jariyah Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:23:38 +0000 In Islam, charity is significant and plays a major part. There are several ways to provide charity in Islam.Sadaqah Jariyah is one of them.  So, what is sadaqah jariyah? Sadaqah …

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Islam Related

What Is Sadaqah Jariyah

In Islam, charity is significant and plays a major part. There are several ways to provide charity in Islam.Sadaqah Jariyah is one of them. 

So, what is sadaqah jariyah? Sadaqah al jariyah is a charitable deed that benefits others continuously. If you plant a tree, it will give shade for as long as it lives, thus your investment will continue to pay off for as long as the tree remains in place. 

“When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge and a child who prays for them.” – Sahih Muslim

The continuous reward is what sets Sadaqah jariyah apart from regular Sadaqah. It is a generous gesture with long-lasting rewards. Let’s dive in and learn more about this wonderful topic.

Sadaqah Jariyah - An Ongoing Rewards

Sadaqah Jariyah is highly valued in Islam because of the life-altering impact of continuous support. There are many sadaqah jariyah examples and types. Some of them are –

  1. Building a Mosque or Hospital or School
  2. Digging a Well
  3. Planting Trees
  4. Education or Raising Islamic Awareness 
  5. Supporting Orphans

Let’s explore each of the types of sadaqah jariyah and see how they can benefit the people of today and the future.

Building a Mosque or Hospital or School

Many Muslims decide to help fund a mosque’s construction. Because they know they are going to gain significantly from doing so. Similarly, you can contribute to the construction of a school or hospital, which will benefit others. As a result, your rewards will last as long as others benefit from your generosity. 


In fact, you will be awarded for every single prayer said in the mosque, every single patient treated in the hospital, and every single student who attends school. A priceless act of sadaqah that will have an impact on numerous lives.

Digging a Well

Currently, there are many millions of individuals who do not have any access to clean, safe drinking water at all. You might contribute to an Islamic charity initiative like UMR which aims to construct water wells and hand pumps to give those in need access to clean, safe, and sanitary water. Because it is the best sadaqah jariyah according to Prophet (SAW). There is a hadith –

Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah asked, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet, on him be peace, said, “Yes.”  I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet said, “A drink of water” (Al-Nasai).

Even though this is a pretty straightforward action, it can have a profound impact on communities without access to water supplies. You will continue to reap the benefits of your contribution as long as others continue to gain from it. This is a kind of sadaqah jariyah that has a real impact.

Digging a Well

Planting Trees

In Islam, planting trees is considered sadaqah jariyah. With regard to the environment and society, trees have a number of advantages. They help to decrease soil erosion, increase air quality, and provide food and shade. Prophet (SAW) said,

“If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift (sadaqah) for him.” – Bukhari

The virtue of planting trees as part of the sadaqah jariyah is beneficial to both this world and the hereafter.

Education or Raising Islamic Awareness

Islam places a great value on sharing knowledge. It is our duty as Muslims to spread accurate information about our religion and encourage others to join it. Every time you share even one accurate religious information with a fellow human being and that person takes your advice and teaches someone else, you are reaping rewards.

Similarly, teaching someone to recite the Holy Qur’an is something that will continue to bring you rewards even after you pass away because every time that person recites the Holy Qur’an or teach the Holy Qur’an to someone else, you are earning the rewards for each of those individuals.

Education or Raising Islamic Awareness

Supporting Orphans

Currently, there are millions of individuals who do not have any access to clean, safe drinking water at all. You may contribute to an Islamic charity like UMR, which strives to build hand pumps and water wells to give those in need access to clean, safe, and sanitary water.


By taking part in child sponsorship, you help ensure that the kid and their family have the chance for a prosperous future where they can use the talents they acquire to advance their community.

Supporting Orphans

By doing these types of sadaqah jariyah, your good deeds will continue to prosper even after your demise.

Sadaqah Vs Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah is a charitable donation that you make. For instance, you could donate your time or money to support a cause. Sadaqah Jariyah is an ongoing act of kindness that wins Allah’s eternal gratitude. 

A voluntary act of kindness toward another being, whether motivated by charity, love, compassion, or faith, is referred to as sadaqah. Simple things like a kind deed, a helping hand, a smile and leading others in the right direction are all seen as acts of sadaqah. These actions need not always be measurable or materialistic.

The term “sadaqah jariyah” (Sadaqa Jariya) refers to humanitarian deeds that are ongoing and voluntary and that benefit both the present and the future. These deeds may multiply the rewards for the donor by offering greater benefits to the receivers. There are many forms of sadaqah jariyah such as- building wells, planting trees etc.

Sadaqah al Jariya is also a kind of sadaqah. But it holds more lasting rewards compared to sadaqah.

Benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah

In the Qur’an, Allah reveals what the reward for charitable giving is like:

“A grain of corn which grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains” [Qur’an, 2:261]

We have learned that sadaqah jariya sure helps others. But the most benefitted person is the donor. By giving this charity, you are helping brothers and sisters in need. And gaining peace in their mind. As this charity is continuous, donor will get rewards in the afterlife also. It might even continue on for future generations.How wonderful is that! That’s why sadaqah jariya is one of the best charity a muslim can donate.

Regulations of Sadaqah Jariyah

As sadaqah jariyah is one kind of sadaqah, it follows the same rules as sadaqah. That means there is no particular regulations for sadaqah jariya. Just a good intention and halal income is enough to give sadaqah jariyah. 


It is normal practise to give sadaqah jariyah on behalf of someone you loved after their death or when they are ill in order to bless their record of good deeds in the eternity without compromising your own good deeds. This is called sadaqah jariyah for deceased. Many give sadaqah jariyah for deceased parents of their.


Muslim, non-muslim, animals, any living creature is eligible for receiving sadaqah jariyah. For example, you create a pond in the forest and animals, birds, trees are benefitting from the pond. So, you will gain reward from Allah until the pond dries. That’s how beautiful Islam is!

Like sadaqah, you can give sadaqah jariyah at anytime of the year. But good deeds performed throughout the months of Ramadan and Dhul Hijjah are particularly more valuable.

How UMR Distribute Sadaqah Jariyah

You can donate wherever you want to. But it is important to select a trustable source as there are many frauds around. United Mission for Relief and Development (UMR) is working for the betterment of underpreviligied people for more than a decade. We are currently working for many countries like Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Pelestain, Yemen, Afganistan and many more. We have launched many programs which are perfect for sadaqah jariyah. Such as-

Together for Orphans

Support an Orphan

Your donation will help an orphan to prosper in life.

Supporting Orphans

Back to School

Your donation will provide school supplies every year to millions of kids

water well project

Build Water Wells

Your donation will contribute to build wells in underdeveloped corner of the world.

You can trust UMR with your donations. We make sure each and every penny of yours are being used for the improvement of the vulnerable people around the world.

Donate Sadaqah Jariyah this Ramadan

We started our blog with the question “what is sadaqah jariyah?” I hope you now have a idea of sadaqah jariyah. 


One of the most beautiful acts of charity we can perform is to contribute to a Sadaqah Jariyah project like UMR, as this kind of charity benefits both the donor and the recipient for a long time to come. 


Because good deeds are multiplied many times over during Ramadan, your gift will bring much more rewards. This is a magnificent mercy from the Most Merciful.Prophet (SAW) said, 

“The shade of the believer on the Day of Resurrection is his charity.” – Aḥmad

To help you reap the long-term benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah and the increased blessings of Ramadan, we’ve organized a variety of life-changing, impacting projects during Ramadan.


This Ramadan, be a blessing to someone who is struggling financially and help them improve their situation by donating to UMR.


Zakat Al-Maal


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$100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, Other

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can do sadaqah jariyah for a dead person.

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